29 Church Street, P.O. Box 99, Turin, GA 30289 - Phone #(770) 599-3626
Turin Baptist Church
Thursday, January 23, 2025
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How To Become A Christian

Being a Christian is more than just attending a church or trying to live a good life.

Christian life begins when you personally commit yourself to Christ by praying a prayer in which you confess your sins, accept His forgiveness, and give Him control of your life. Then follow Christ in baptism and church membership.

Christ's grace is given freely to anyone who will accept it. You will not necessarily feel any different; not everyone's conversion is a mind-blowing emotional revolution.

Nor will sin leave your life. You will still face the same temptations as before, and sometimes you will fall. The difference is that now you are a forgiven sinner. Not only that, but you are empowered to overcome sin, although the fruits of victory will not be immediate.

Share your faith with others. "Fly your flag." Make sure the world knows you're a Christian.